Friday, December 07, 2007

what a week

This has been a fun week, but I must admit I'm exhausted!

The book club meeting went off without a hitch on Wednesday night. Everyone brought their 3 dozen cookies and I've been working on my stash steadily since then. Fortunately, I did not have 22 guests, I had 16. So everyone got a seat. A real seat. Oh, and we did our book exchange, too. I got "My Sister's Keeper" by Jodi Piccoult. Anxious to read this one, have never read anything by this author before but have always heard good things.

Tuesday and Thursday evenings this week I was working. Did I tell you that I got a job at a nearby clothing store in town? Well, I did. I've been there about a month. I mostly work evenings, from about 5:30-8:30. It's working out very well, and the job is easy-breezy. There's something about clocking in and clocking out that is so refreshing. When you leave the building, you don't give the work a second thought. Oh, and there's the discount, too. Nice!

Tonight is my husband's office party. Tomorrow night a neighbor is hosting a party down the street. They have a small house, like us, and when I ran into the hostess this past week she told me they were expecting 52 people. yowsers! We don't know yet if we'll make it to that one, still figuring out babysitting details. But it's fun to have the option...isn't it? Next weekend we have nothing, no parties at all! Maybe by then the break will be nice.

I hope you have a great weekend, see you next week, or sooner!


hqm said...

My Sister's Keeper...great book...I have read most of her books!
I am jealous of your new is like a night out!

tulipmom said...

My Sister's Keep was the first book I ever read of hers ... excellent!

I have to agree with Heather about the job. Hmmm .....

Hope you find a babysitter; I know how hard that can be.

Unknown said...

That pink ornament wreath is to DIE for - is that yours??

I need to know where it's from!!!

tommie said...

That is a great book....I would totally love to work a few hours a week in a clothing store. I probably wouldn't make anything after the shopping though.

Meg said...

Cloggsy - it's from Art Effect in Chicago, purchased last year. I got it just after Christmas. They had a few of them...I wonder if any were left for this year? There's no label or anything on it. Good luck with your search!

Dena said...

What a busy week indeed! Congrats on your job too!


Rosemary said...

Sounds like you had a fun night. Books and cookies, sounds good to me.
Have fun at your parties!!

paige said...

weeks like that wear me out too but full of such fun & memories!

Cottage in the City! said...

Your house is so pretty! I just love it! I love to read such creative peoples Blogs! Thanks for the inspiration!

Cottage Contessa said...

Congratulations on your new job! Have a wonderful week enjoying all of your social engagements, and your beautiful snow!
Amanda (aka Cottage Contessa)

CIELO said...

What a busy week indeed...Sounds like you had a fun night.

What is Christmas? It is tenderness for the past, courage for the present, hope for the future. It is a fervent wish that every cup may overflow with blessings rich and eternal, and that every path may lead to peace (Agnes M. Pharo).

Enjoy the Season


Laurie Anne said...

Hey Meg,
don't forget to post for the cookie exchange today :0)

Marissa said...

I am sure your home is perfectly lovely and ready for the Holidays! Love the wreath.