Tuesday, March 27, 2007

what a day

I did get a picture, just barely. Actually, it took 2 to get everyone. Getting the kids together was all the craziness it promised to be. We were outside, we were inside, we were upstairs, we were downstairs, we were riding scooters and bikes around the circle in the street, we were in the sandbox and swings in the backyard. Oh yeah, and we ate almost a whole bag of tootsie pops. Ok, so the sugar made them a little crazy, but they deserved the treat. Not surprisingly, mine fell asleep in the car before we even made it onto the highway. Going to bed tonight, they were already been talking about seeing their "new friends" again soon. And me? I am, as always, so happy to have seen my "old friends". Special, irreplaceable friends whom I would trust with my life. *happy sigh* It was a great trip.


hqm said...

What fun! There seem to a lot of boys!!

Libby said...

Looks like a happy crew! Terrific photo.

Kimba said...

Great picture! Congrats on being able to snap it!!!

Kim -today's creative blog said...

How fun! I hope the adults were able to get alittle bit of play in too.

Hannah Lane said...

So fun!!! Nothing can replace your old dear friends!

smilnsigh said...

Wow! I would certainly say..... "What a day!" Busy, busy, busy...
