Sunday, September 09, 2007


It's the end of the weekend and somehow I didn't get around to spiffying up my blog any more. But I have intentions to. Libby has been kind enough to offer some advice, and my husband says he can help me, too. But, where does the time go? During busy days, blogging always takes a back seat to more important things in life. Which is pretty much everything else.

We did have such a nice weekend here. It was one of those picture perfect weekends - bright sun, clear air, gentle breeze, perfect temps. Couldn't be topped. This is how I always think of September, it's the prettiest month. And so we spent a lot of time outside, in our shorts, letting the open windows freshen up the house a bit while we went about our business., I didn't work on my blog look (and thanks for your nice comments about it, btw...what you're seeing is somewhere around version #4 from the other night, I played with the templates for about an hour before going to bed), but I was so practical and efficient over the last two days (being the Virgo that I am) - cleaning, cooking, organizing, changing sheets. I think we're all set for a busy but good week. Hopefully I'll seize another moment to catch up with you before too long.

1 comment:

Nunnie's Attic said...

First - Happy Anniversary to your parents!! And secondly - I thought maybe you were still trying to catch some zzzz's. Glad you were more productive!!
