Friday, November 10, 2006

all I want for Christmas

Remember this? I think the mystery is solved. Turns out it wasn't a fluke and has everything to do with our heating and cooling systems in the house.

A routine furnace check up yesterday turned into an urgent meeting this morning about replacing the furnace, water heater, and (oh yes) air conditioner. Too many details surround why we need to do all three all right now, but suffice it to say this is a good thing for our house. A bit of a hit for the pocketbook, but darn good for air quality in the Little Cottage.

Oh, to think I was actually starting to dream about remodeling the bathrooms...ha!


Anonymous said...

Oh no! I'm sure it will be a good thing for your family and your cottage but I bet you can think of much more fun ways to spend all of that money!

Marissa said...

Oh I am so sorry... now I am afraid to have ours checked! Just think, you have a brand new home - outside and in!

Meg said...

Thanks for the sympathy. I know you both know how it goes...

We're trying to look on the bright side. I have to say this is the biggest Christmas gift I have ever (or probably will ever) receive. At least that's something!!